In working with the Ooh La Las on their Varietease show last year, we discovered that we enjoyed playing games with the audience. When we took the show to Gen Con 2016 the games, of course, were the most energetic part of the entire show. This year we decided to write the show to be a game as well. We sat down with someone from the Columbus Museum of Art to get some tips since they have done live game shows before. Then I sat down to write.
So far I've written The Trulie Awesome GAME! Show and Trulie and The Scone Throwers. I had to look up scone throwers to make sure it wasn't a term for something else. It does sound like an insult. It's a play on stone throwers but really it's about throwing scones at targets. When I worked in a coffee shop the scones would get so stale (right before we threw them) out that you could play hockey with them.
We are also moving forward with my Cosplay Yourself concept. It's about taking the best aspect of yourself. Something you really like, and turning it into a super power. I'm going to have people make costume pieces out of paper and then once they are done, they can fight a monster against a green screen. Totalie is going to edit their videos to look fun and then we will send it to the attendees. They don't have to fight the monsters but it's a fun addition. If they just want to make the costumes that's great too!
I submitted these events to Gen Con and I hope they get accepted. If not, I will try focusing on making it work here in Columbus. I am trying to get a test date for May at Wild Goose Creative so people can play the game and give us feed back.
Right now it's just a waiting game. But at least it's still a game.